Support Musichorale Today!

Musichorale gratefully acknowledges the contributions of all its partners. This support enables us to maintain our music library and our wardrobe. Donations are used to create artistic programs. Most importantly, contributions are used for the development of student musicians. To join this group of partners, please contact our director of development, Linda Silhan, at 773-239-6279. Every gift makes a difference...thank you!

Sustaining Memberships

Sustaining memberships are always welcome. Members receive special benefits including concert tickets, invitations to special choir events, and as an Illinois not-for-profit organization with a 503(c) status, all gifts are tax deductible.

We are grateful to Home Depot for matching gifts this season.

Simply donate to Musichorale via PayPal. Any amount is appreciated!

Sponsorship Levels

Impresario ($1,000 and up)

Benefactor ($500 - $999)

Director's Circle ($250 - $499)

Patron ($125 - $249)

Sustaining Member ($75 - $124)

Associate (up to $74)

You may wish to consider sponsoring a hole at our annual Art Silhan Memorial Golf Outing, which is held every September. Each year the outing is attended by over 100 golfers and dinner guests. All are encouraged to patronize our sponsors.

Golf Outing Sponsorship Levels:




A donation of a gift certificate or other merchandise for our raffles would also be welcomed!